Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do we do with your money?

    The financial resources of fastTrack Ghana is a pool of fund from individuals, companies and organizations. We manage these resources through prudent investments and as loans to individuals and to businesses that need financial support to expand.

  • Can I withdraw money from my savings account if I have taken a loan any time I need money?

    You can withdraw money from your savings account any time you wish, however if you have taken a loan we encourage that you still follow the debt servicing program as agreed by both parties.

  • What happens if you stop saving and what happens?

    You can decide to stop savings at any time that you desire; however there are situations where the individual has a fixed term savings agreement.

    • In that situation your savings will be withheld until your saving term elapse. The individual still gets the full saving including accumulated interest for the period.
    • If the person insists due to a difficult financial situation, the individual still gets the full savings amount but the accumulated interest is decreased by a determined percentage.


  • How secure are my savings?

    Your savings are secure and safe. As you expect your savings to yield interest, the bank through its well experienced management and board will manage your savings through prudent investments. As a customer of the bank, you will become a part owner of the bank just as initial investors who are keen on protecting and growing their investments. This indicates that your interest is our interest and we share a common faith.


  • If I pay my loan on time.

    Payment of loan on time gives you a good credit rating which is very important for future loan applications with the bank.

  • If I pay my loan before time.

    Payments of your loan before the stipulated date of total loan payment do not only enhances your credit rating for future loan applications, but gives you the luxury of interest negotiation on future loans. Your credibility also increases the threshold of loans you can get from the bank. Note that these are subject to the availability of funds and the going market conditions.